On 21.05.11 12:51, Simon Wilper wrote:
> Hello Regina, Michael,
> first of all: Thank you for that quick response, you guys are awesome!

sorry for replying late (vacation...)

>> from scratch), but actually a lot of the time it is caused by user error,
>> such as building from tarballs and not unpacking the external library
>> tarball, or deleting parts of the build output and then not rebuilding that.
> Indeed.
> I admit that I am running quite a non-standard build:
> Actually I'd like to use system libs wherever possible.  Although I have
> icu installed the build breaks.
> When inserting --with-system-icu=no so that the module icu is built
> everything is fine and the build proceeds.
> Bug or feature?

a bug, of course.

the real problem is that there are far too many configure options, and
only very few of these are regularly tested.
of course, testing all of them would take far too much time due to
combinatoric explosion.

the most reliable configuration is usually the default, which is (i guess)
pretty close to what tinderboxes use.
probably --with-system-libs also works more often than not, but by
manually specifying --with-system-foo you quickly enter unmapped territory.

> Okay, not it breaks with the following error message:
> [ build CXX ] vcl/source/window/syschild
> /home/sxw/work/DEV300/vcl/source/window/syschild.cxx:52:17: fatal error:
> jni.h: No such file or directory
> compilation terminated.
> make: ***
> [/home/sxw/work/DEV300/solver/300/unxlngi6.pro/workdir/CxxObject/vcl/source/window/syschild.o]
> Error 1
> dmake:  Error code 2, while making 'all'

hmm... no idea why vcl would need JNI.

> So, it seems that building without Java is no longer supported, is it?

well, maybe you're the only one who does this, so it has probably bitrotted.
anything that isn't tested regularly breaks eventually.

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