I would like to query mapnik data directly from the postgis Database. Can 
anyone give me a hint which SELECT statements I would need to querey all 
streets in a bounding Box or in the (surrounding) area of a point. I want to 
use this inside of osmtrackfilter.pl to get and compare against the already 
existing osm segments(ways)
Any hints are welcome.

I already  tried to set up an SQL select to retrieve all polylines in a 
certain boundingbox or specified distance from other points/lines. But I was 
not really successfull. I tried to issue some simple SELECT ... Statements 
but most of them resuled in error messages. 
I think I'm missing some understanding of which columns in the 
osm-mapnik-postgis database holds which type of objects. Maybe someone can 
give me a short hint where to start with.

googling arround I only found stuff like the following ...

... WHERE  the_geom && setsrid('BOX(47.36 21.40,51.185 21.53)'::box2d, 42102)
... WHERE GeomFromText('POINT(25.3 25.40)', 42102) && the_geom \
    AND distance(the_geom, GeomFromText('POINT(25.7 5.3)', 42102)) = 0
... WHERE distance(the_geom, setsrid('BOX(4.36 2.3,1.5 2.8)'::box2d, 42102)) = 
..  WHERE  the_point && setsrid('BOX(295149 2315499, 465992 
2163790)'::box2d, -1)


Jörg (Germany, Munich)

Tel.: +49 89 420950304
Skype: JoergOstertag

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