On 30 Jan 2008, at 13:05, bvh wrote:

> On Wed, Jan 30, 2008 at 01:43:59PM +0000, Artem Pavlenko wrote:
>> The best documentation is : http://trac.openstreetmap.org/browser/
>> applications/rendering/mapnik/osm.xml
>> There were quite a few changes to XML and internal structures
>> recently and I didn't have time to formally document the schema.
>> It'll improve for sure.  But then, it's a open source project and
>> everyone can contribute.
> Well some immediate questions

Here some immediate answers :) Some of your answers are better  
answered in existing standard , you can get it from http:// 
www.opengeospatial.org/standards/sld  [1]

> - what effect does the <Style></Style> grouping have?

Mapnik is using 'named' style. You create a style, give it a name and  
then you can refer to it from Layer element. Multiple styles are  
useful for things like road casing.
> - how is the Max/MinScaleDenominator interpreted

See [1]
> - can file references be relative to the xml file

They can is short answer, but in reality it depends on your operating  
system. Please, try and report if any problems/
> - are width/height attributes for pngs mandatory and if so,
> what happens when they conflict with the size of the png itself

This should be fixed. Width/height and x0,y0 make sense if you have  
one big image with lots of icons and want to select one. To answer  
second part, width/height will be clipped to image dimensions.

> - in what order are rules applied

In order they're appear in Style element.
> - after a match with a rule, do the other rules also get applied
> or not

Yes, they do get applied  - see [1] for rational . At some point I  
had short-cut behavior to render OS MasterMap and I think it makes  
sense to have this optional. I'll have look.

> - in what order are elements painted

Do you mean features? In order they come from data source.
> - what is the effect of a linepatternsymbolizer with a png

Image pattern rasterized along line - see train line at high zoom  
levels in OSM map,
> - can you use transparancy in color definitions

Not in XML, the reason is because I started with [1] as basis. You  
can specify 'opacity' (0....1), though.
> - what is the exhaustive list of named colors

                 ("aliceblue", ColorT(240, 248, 255))
                 ("antiquewhite", ColorT(250, 235, 215))
                 ("aqua", ColorT(0, 255, 255))
                 ("aquamarine", ColorT(127, 255, 212))
                 ("azure", ColorT(240, 255, 255))
                 ("beige", ColorT(245, 245, 220))
                 ("bisque", ColorT(255, 228, 196))
                 ("black", ColorT(0, 0, 0))
                 ("blanchedalmond", ColorT(255,235,205))
                 ("blue", ColorT(0, 0, 255))
                 ("blueviolet", ColorT(138, 43, 226))
                 ("brown", ColorT(165, 42, 42))
                 ("burlywood", ColorT(222, 184, 135))
                 ("cadetblue", ColorT(95, 158, 160))
                 ("chartreuse", ColorT(127, 255, 0))
                 ("chocolate", ColorT(210, 105, 30))
                 ("coral", ColorT(255, 127, 80))
                 ("cornflowerblue", ColorT(100, 149, 237))
                 ("cornsilk", ColorT(255, 248, 220))
                 ("crimson", ColorT(220, 20, 60))
                 ("cyan", ColorT(0, 255, 255))
                 ("darkblue", ColorT(0, 0, 139))
                 ("darkcyan", ColorT(0, 139, 139))
                 ("darkgoldenrod", ColorT(184, 134, 11))
                 ("darkgray", ColorT(169, 169, 169))
                 ("darkgreen", ColorT(0, 100, 0))
                 ("darkgrey", ColorT(169, 169, 169))
                 ("darkkhaki", ColorT(189, 183, 107))
                 ("darkmagenta", ColorT(139, 0, 139))
                 ("darkolivegreen", ColorT(85, 107, 47))
                 ("darkorange", ColorT(255, 140, 0))
                 ("darkorchid", ColorT(153, 50, 204))
                 ("darkred", ColorT(139, 0, 0))
                 ("darksalmon", ColorT(233, 150, 122))
                 ("darkseagreen", ColorT(143, 188, 143))
                 ("darkslateblue", ColorT(72, 61, 139))
                 ("darkslategrey", ColorT(47, 79, 79))
                 ("darkturquoise", ColorT(0, 206, 209))
                 ("darkviolet", ColorT(148, 0, 211))
                 ("deeppink", ColorT(255, 20, 147))
                 ("deepskyblue", ColorT(0, 191, 255))
                 ("dimgray", ColorT(105, 105, 105))
                 ("dimgrey", ColorT(105, 105, 105))
                 ("dodgerblue", ColorT(30, 144, 255))
                 ("firebrick", ColorT(178, 34, 34))
                 ("floralwhite", ColorT(255, 250, 240))
                 ("forestgreen", ColorT(34, 139, 34))
                 ("fuchsia", ColorT(255, 0, 255))
                 ("gainsboro", ColorT(220, 220, 220))
                 ("ghostwhite", ColorT(248, 248, 255))
                 ("gold", ColorT(255, 215, 0))
                 ("goldenrod", ColorT(218, 165, 32))
                 ("gray", ColorT(128, 128, 128))
                 ("grey", ColorT(128, 128, 128))
                 ("green", ColorT(0, 128, 0))
                 ("greenyellow", ColorT(173, 255, 47))
                 ("honeydew", ColorT(240, 255, 240))
                 ("hotpink", ColorT(255, 105, 180))
                 ("indianred", ColorT(205, 92, 92))
                 ("indigo", ColorT(75, 0, 130))
                 ("ivory", ColorT(255, 255, 240))
                 ("khaki", ColorT(240, 230, 140))
                 ("lavender", ColorT(230, 230, 250))
                 ("lavenderblush", ColorT(255, 240, 245))
                 ("lawngreen", ColorT(124, 252, 0))
                 ("lemonchiffon", ColorT(255, 250, 205))
                 ("lightblue", ColorT(173, 216, 230))
                 ("lightcoral", ColorT(240, 128, 128))
                 ("lightcyan", ColorT(224, 255, 255))
                 ("lightgoldenrodyellow", ColorT(250, 250, 210))
                 ("lightgray", ColorT(211, 211, 211))
                 ("lightgreen", ColorT(144, 238, 144))
                 ("lightgrey", ColorT(211, 211, 211))
                 ("lightpink", ColorT(255, 182, 193))
                 ("lightsalmon", ColorT(255, 160, 122))
                 ("lightseagreen", ColorT(32, 178, 170))
                 ("lightskyblue", ColorT(135, 206, 250))
                 ("lightslategray", ColorT(119, 136, 153))
                 ("lightslategrey", ColorT(119, 136, 153))
                 ("lightsteelblue", ColorT(176, 196, 222))
                 ("lightyellow", ColorT(255, 255, 224))
                 ("lime", ColorT(0, 255, 0))
                 ("limegreen", ColorT(50, 205, 50))
                 ("linen", ColorT(250, 240, 230))
                 ("magenta", ColorT(255, 0, 255))
                 ("maroon", ColorT(128, 0, 0))
                 ("mediumaquamarine", ColorT(102, 205, 170))
                 ("mediumblue", ColorT(0, 0, 205))
                 ("mediumorchid", ColorT(186, 85, 211))
                 ("mediumpurple", ColorT(147, 112, 219))
                 ("mediumseagreen", ColorT(60, 179, 113))
                 ("mediumslateblue", ColorT(123, 104, 238))
                 ("mediumspringgreen", ColorT(0, 250, 154))
                 ("mediumturquoise", ColorT(72, 209, 204))
                 ("mediumvioletred", ColorT(199, 21, 133))
                 ("midnightblue", ColorT(25, 25, 112))
                 ("mintcream", ColorT(245, 255, 250))
                 ("mistyrose", ColorT(255, 228, 225))
                 ("moccasin", ColorT(255, 228, 181))
                 ("navajowhite", ColorT(255, 222, 173))
                 ("navy", ColorT(0, 0, 128))
                 ("oldlace", ColorT(253, 245, 230))
                 ("olive", ColorT(128, 128, 0))
                 ("olivedrab", ColorT(107, 142, 35))
                 ("orange", ColorT(255, 165, 0))
                 ("orangered", ColorT(255, 69, 0))
                 ("orchid", ColorT(218, 112, 214))
                 ("palegoldenrod", ColorT(238, 232, 170))
                 ("palegreen", ColorT(152, 251, 152))
                 ("paleturquoise", ColorT(175, 238, 238))
                 ("palevioletred", ColorT(219, 112, 147))
                 ("papayawhip", ColorT(255, 239, 213))
                 ("peachpuff", ColorT(255, 218, 185))
                 ("peru", ColorT(205, 133, 63))
                 ("pink", ColorT(255, 192, 203))
                 ("plum", ColorT(221, 160, 221))
                 ("powderblue", ColorT(176, 224, 230))
                 ("purple", ColorT(128, 0, 128))
                 ("red", ColorT(255, 0, 0))
                 ("rosybrown", ColorT(188, 143, 143))
                 ("royalblue", ColorT(65, 105, 225))
                 ("saddlebrown", ColorT(139, 69, 19))
                 ("salmon", ColorT(250, 128, 114))
                 ("sandybrown", ColorT(244, 164, 96))
                 ("seagreen", ColorT(46, 139, 87))
                 ("seashell", ColorT(255, 245, 238))
                 ("sienna", ColorT(160, 82, 45))
                 ("silver", ColorT(192, 192, 192))
                 ("skyblue", ColorT(135, 206, 235))
                 ("slateblue", ColorT(106, 90, 205))
                 ("slategray", ColorT(112, 128, 144))
                 ("slategrey", ColorT(112, 128, 144))
                 ("snow", ColorT(255, 250, 250))
                 ("springgreen", ColorT(0, 255, 127))
                 ("steelblue", ColorT(70, 130, 180))
                 ("tan", ColorT(210, 180, 140))
                 ("teal", ColorT(0, 128, 128))
                 ("thistle", ColorT(216, 191, 216))
                 ("tomato", ColorT(255, 99, 71))
                 ("turquoise", ColorT(64, 224, 208))
                 ("violet", ColorT(238, 130, 238))
                 ("wheat", ColorT(245, 222, 179))
                 ("white", ColorT(255, 255, 255))
                 ("whitesmoke", ColorT(245, 245, 245))
                 ("yellow", ColorT(255, 255, 0))
                 ("yellowgreen", ColorT(154, 205, 50))
                 ("transparent", ColorT(0, 0, 0, 0))

> - can stroke widths be specified in a scale of the real width
> instead of an absolute number of pixels

Not at the moment , but can be easily implemented. Thanks for  
reminding me this.
> - what does halo_radius do

It specifies halo effect , for example : http:// 
(white halo around San-Diego freeway)
> PS if you reply feel free to cc [EMAIL PROTECTED] I am sure  
> others
> will also be interested in this?

Please, note that some features, specifically related to text  
positioning is not currently used in osm.xml.
cc to dev
> cu bart


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