Hello Stefan,

>Hi Nick,
>Cool webapp!
>Two questions and two cents:
>* How does it scale?

Do you mean could it be used anywhere in the world? The answer is yes, the 
only reason it only covers southern England is server resource issues.

>* Why is it named "countryside" (is there a technical requirement 
compared to city guides?)

Freemap is a specific web app for the countryside, designed to be a source 
of info for countryside users. However the underlying code (POI search, 
the "wiki" style POI description editing) could be used anywhere. If I 
have the time I'll try setting up a version using the "standard" OSM 
Mapnik/osmarender layers.

>* When zooming in, selected additional layers become deselected.

OK will sort this out. At the moment every time you zoom to a new layer, 
it uses the zoom level to work out which layers are selected.

>* Layout: I would introduce a header. See also http://www.geonames.org/ 
for more inspiration of 'wiki' style POI editing



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