
Dave Stubbs wrote:
> Yes, these planets are from before the 0.5 API switch over (which
> happened on 6th/7th October 2007). I think you'll need to process them
> with a 0.4 version of the planetdiff tool (ie: r4778 in SVN). Any
> tools you use will need to know about segments, or else you'll need to
> convert the planet first by using the 04to05.pl script at:
> http://trac.openstreetmap.org/browser/applications/utils/conv05/04to05.pl

Converting a full planet of the September 07 calibre with the 04to05.pl 
script is likely to land you in trouble unless you have more than 16 GB 
of RAM installed. I have a slightly less memory hungry version of 
04to05.pl which drops unwayed segments and some other things that I 
deemed unnecessary for my history applications (email me if you want 
that), but even that won't process a full planet. If you are only 
interested in a small area, then use a pre-0.5 version of one of the 
bounding box/polygon cutters, cut out the section you're interested in, 
and THEN run 04to05. Otherwise, load the full planet into MySQL (using 
an old Osmosis), then apply the Ruby 04 to 05 migration and afterwards 
do a planet dump.


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