2008/12/20 Ulf Lamping <ulf.lamp...@googlemail.com>:
> Thomas Wood schrieb:
>> 2008/12/18 Ulf Lamping <ulf.lamp...@googlemail.com>:
>>> P.S.: The most pressing need to document is IMHO very certainly the
>>> various
>>> possible options that you can choose for the various constructors ...
>> That's the purpose of the API reference.
>> http://dev.openlayers.org/apidocs/files/OpenLayers-js.html
> Yes, of course :-)
> If you look a bit more detailed into the API docs, you'll often find
> something like (as an example the constructor for the GML layer):
> http://dev.openlayers.org/apidocs/files/OpenLayers/Layer/GML-js.html#OpenLayers.Layer.GML.OpenLayers.Layer.GML
> -----------------------------------
> OpenLayers. Layer.GML
> Load and parse a single file on the web, according to the format provided
> via the 'format' option, defaulting to GML.
> Parameters
> name    {String}
> url     {String} URL of a GML file.
> options {Object} Hashtable of extra options to tag onto the layer.
> -----------------------------------
> So, the options are the difficult part of this call, and most likely the
> "none obvious" things you'll need to know when you want to make that call.
> But as a "user" of the API, you're really a bit stuck here. You can only try
> to find the specific source file or google for an example (and hope that it
> fits ;-).
> Being a developer myself, I know that writing an API documentation can be an
> annoying task. So please don't take this as a rant, but as an idea where a
> normal openlayers API user will probably often get stuck ...
> Regards, ULFL

Yeah, the docs don't make it too clear that you can use options from
the parent classes.

Apparently (as of an email sent to the OL list today) they're moving
to a new doc generator, so we're yet to see if there's any

Thomas Wood

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