On Sat, Feb 07, 2009 at 07:40:26AM +0100, Marcus Wolschon wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 11:29 PM, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > sly (sylvain letuffe) wrote:
> >> In france, next to the cadastre's agreement of using their data for OSM, we
> >> might soon be able to import something like 60% of France's builings.
> >
> > Assuming that most houses will have 4 nodes, you're talking about
> > importing roughly 10 million ways and 40 million nodes.
> I am not sure if this assumption is correct,
> thinking that most houses are in cities where
> 2 houses join a wall and thus we get a ratio of 2:1 instead of 4:1 .

But think of all the chateaus. They will certainly have more nodes per
way. :-)

Jochen Topf  joc...@remote.org  http://www.remote.org/jochen/  +49-721-388298

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