El Jueves, 26 de Marzo de 2009, Milo van der Linden escribió:
> > You're wrong - mapnik depends on a local PostgreSQL database, not on the
> > OSM API.
> I think we are miscommunicating and maybe we just mean different things. 

I think we agree on the big picture, but disagree on the details :-)

> The current Infrastructure where hunderds of mapnik/postgresql/postgis 
> servers pull data from the osm api-db, turn it into tiles and serve these to
> thousands of end clients is an efficient structure.

AFAIK, right now the mapnik-based renderers fetch the data from planet diffs, 
push it into a PGSQL DB through osmosis and a cronjob, then let mapnik render 
the tiles.

> My guess is all students that enter the GSoc want to be doing innovative, 
> new things that might "shake up the world"

Then, IMHO, we should let WMS out of the picture - it's anything but 

> >> Caching with WMS is something that, as far as I know is not common, If
> >> you can figure out a way of caching and write a proposal,
> >
> > WMS caches tend to not be efficient, so they end up not helping much. You
> > want cached maps? Then use tiles.
> **Sigh** Is that not what I am saying? use tiles and stitch them through
> wms. Get the best of both worlds..

Not really - WMS means arbitrary zoom, which means that if you stitch 
pre-rendered tiles, it *will* look ugly.

All WMS clients I know (except openlayers and JOSM) are not prone to repeat 
requests at the same zoom level, which crushes any hopes for WMS caches to 
speed up things. I'm expectant to see the OGC new TWMS standard, which 
supposedly will allow for preset zoom levels and semi-good caching. On the 
other hand, I fear that TWMS will be a watered-down-by-OGC version of map 
tiles as we know them right now.

Iván Sánchez Ortega <i...@sanchezortega.es>

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