
I'd like to experiment with Google AppEngine for a bit and
set up a hosted service to collect traffic messages
(traffic jams, road obstructions, constructions sites, slow
moving traffic,...)

What could be a good data-format for such information, so that
it is usefull to more then just my own navigator?
I'm thinking about:
* required: (enum) event-type
* required: (string) event-description
* required: (long) OSM WayID of primary location
* required: (long) OSM NodeID of primary location
* required: (datatime) expiration date of the event
* optional: (long[]) additional affected nodeIDs
* optional: (long[]) additional affected wayIDs
* optional: (time) expected delay
* optional: (string[]) additionalData

Are OSM nodeIDs and wayIDs a usefull reference for other (OSM-)
or shall I add required lat + lon + ref/name -attributes?


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