I'm running mapnik version 0.5.1 as shipped with Debian Lenny. Following 
this should be ready to work.

Also, I have downloaded the latest SVN revision from 
http://svn.openstreetmap.org/applications/rendering/mapnik and done the 
steps described on 

I have imported the extract for the UK 
with osm2pgsql. No problem with the import and everything looks good in 
the PostGIS db. The following tables are populated with reasonably 
looking data:

 Schema |        Name        | Type  |  Owner
 public | planet_osm_line    | table | hansm
 public | planet_osm_nodes   | table | hansm
 public | planet_osm_point   | table | hansm
 public | planet_osm_polygon | table | hansm
 public | planet_osm_rels    | table | hansm
 public | planet_osm_roads   | table | hansm
 public | planet_osm_ways    | table | hansm

osm=> SELECT * FROM geometry_columns;
 f_table_catalog | f_table_schema |    f_table_name    | 
f_geometry_column | coord_dimension |  srid  |    type
                 | public         | planet_osm_point   | 
way               |               2 | 900913 | POINT
                 | public         | planet_osm_line    | 
way               |               2 | 900913 | LINESTRING
                 | public         | planet_osm_polygon | 
way               |               2 | 900913 | POLYGON
                 | public         | planet_osm_roads   | 
way               |               2 | 900913 | LINESTRING

When trying to render tiles with generate_tiles, I only get PNG files 
with waterbodies and land, but not the actual OSM features. This is 
independend from the zoom level.

When checking my PostgreSQL log files, I see malformed SQL queries 
issued by mapnik. Obviously, it does not know about the tables' geometry 

select asbinary() as geom,"highway","railway" from
              (select way,highway,railway,
               case when tunnel in ('yes','true','1') then 'yes'::text 
else tunnel end as tunnel
               from planet_osm_roads
               where highway is not null
                  or railway is not null
               order by z_order
              ) as roads
               where  && setSRID('BOX3D(-19724422.27493316 
7200979.560689881,-18472078.00350883 8453323.832114212)'::box3d,537534573)

Now my big question: How do I explain mapnik that it has to use "way" as 
geometry column?

Thanks for helping


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