>>> A better data format for 
>>> rendering would contain only point of interest nodes, with ways 
>>> represented as polylines of points, with no need for the client to 
>>> up
>>> the coordinates of the way's constituent nodes by ID.
>> What you're talking for is a xml/json frontend for a postgis-db. The 
>> resolving of node coordinates is done by osm2pgsql.
>> Peter

>Looks interesting but only for high zoom-levels.

That's the use-case I'm looking at: renderers at zoom levels of around 13, 
14, 15 etc which can download and cache data from a server in around 0.1 x 
0.1 lat/lon squares. I'm not intending to cater for more zoomed-out levels 
just yet (I'll only do this as and when I need to) but if anyone wants to 
work on the code, feel free to do so.


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