I don't think this is something that should go into the osm db for the 
same reasons we don't want e.g. air pollution:

  - it can change within days
  - it's not fixed on the ground
  - it's not easy verifiable by a mapper
  - it's different for different people (4st floor vs. basement)

This is sth. that should be saved in a special DB. Maybe one could save 
Points with known quality and calculate Areas around it, estimating the 
quality in other points.

What yould go into OSM are the transmitter stations and their power.


Max schrieb:
> just make it 2-D. make an layer/tag for DVB-T quality
> Make it anywhere green with this layer, which means good quality with
> room antenna anywhere.
> then users can - if they like - map blue (roof antenna needed) and red
> (no recieve) all their POI s.
> Setting a POI for DVB-T should mean, that the layer makes a round
> circle coulor for 10 KM in the layer. That´s it. So we can identify
> the red areas by "wikipedia like user mapping" and the government
> needs to act in certain (red) regions.
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