Karl Guggisberg wrote:
> Hi
> I'm only aware of one defect related to 3102 (Sebastian, you've reported 
> it today) and this one
> is fixed. What other defects related 3102 are you referring to?  

I mean #4705. If you think there are no more problems, then it's fine.

> Actually 3102 has been
> *fixing* four defects (or closing two tickets and fixing two unreported 
> defects).
> I've added a warning when I checked in 3102 because I knew that there 
> was some
> risk but from my interpretation JOSM is currently exactly in the phase 
> where these risks are taken.
> My interpreation was that a tested was  pushed out (~ a week ago it 
> appeared on the JOSM home page) and that JOSM started
> another of JOSMs traditional "cylces". If the question is whether we
> "really need this right now", then my intrpretation would be:
> yes,that's exactly how people have been working on JOSM in the past. 
>  From my point of view JOSM  would
> currently focus on  new features and larger reworks before another 
> stabilization phase  towards the end of such a "cycle".

So it is simply a misunderstanding as i think we are not there yet, and 
still stuck with bugfixing. So sorry about false accusations, I don't 
know who is to blame. Actually the developer wiki page was quite useful 
for tracking status.

> I don't like the traditional approach of JOSM developoment enough to 
> advocate it, though. I'd be
> happy if things changed. From todays emails I learned about the 
> following plan:
> * there is yet another "tested" planned for end of this month latest, 
> perhaps for next friday
> * it's going to be the long announced last "tested" for Java 5

Which implies for me, there are no new features before that. (Of course 
the mail came after the commit.)



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