Now that I have looked up what "Augmented Reality" is, I am sure it would be
possible to develop a GSoC proposal based on using OSM data to  say annotate
images.  The challenge will be to think of something to do to turn into a
project proposal.
One thing that came to mind is that when I am on the top of a  hill and
looking across a view, I sometimes wonder what some feature or other is in
the distance (e.g. mountain peak, lake village) - maybe it would be possible
to use the GPS fix in a mobile phone and a direction measurement (either
from GPS when you were moving, or better still an electronic compass) to
identify what you should be able to see from here?

I haven't thought about how hard this is yet - you will need both OSM data
and SRTM elevation data to work out what is visible.



On 27 March 2010 19:19, Aditya Vikram Thoomati <>wrote:

>  Hi,
>    Augmented reality amazes me. Was wondering if Augmented reality should
> be considered for GSoC or not. Wikitude is a good example. It uses openwiki
> for maps
> Cheers,
> Aditya
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