On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 12:16, Tom Hughes <t...@compton.nu> wrote:

> On 21/04/10 11:13, Chris Browet wrote:
>         Is there (or do plan to) put a gitweb or similar on it?
>>    I take you didn't actually look at http://git.openstreetmap.org/ then?
>> Yes I did. I receive a really nice "It works!" ;-)
> That suggests your browser isn't sending a host header so that you are
> seeing the default vhost. But if that was true you wouldn't see the trac
> site.
> Maybe you have an old page cached? You would have to have had it cached for
> a couple of weeks though which is a bit odd.
> Indeed, it was cached somewhere. Sorry.

- Chris -
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