Hi Brett,

What kind of trouble do you envisage when doing a bbox operation on a full 
history dump? I guess the movement of features over time makes an accurate 
determination of what is and what isn't in the bounding box less trivial, but 
for my purposes having all the historical data for which the current version is 
within the given bbox would be adequate.

I would not hesitate to get some of my team members busy with adapting osmosis 
to deal with full history planet extracts better if necessary, but I'd love to 
hear from you what the likely caveats are.


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On Jul 23, 2010, at 2:20 PM, Brett Henderson <br...@bretth.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 6:14 PM, Martijn van Exel <mve...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 22 jul 2010, at 06:57, Brett Henderson wrote:
>> On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 11:52 PM, Lars Francke <lars.fran...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>> [...]
>> That format is fine and exactly what I would have expected.  I suspect 
>> Osmosis would parse it okay, but without support for the visible attribute 
>> it won't be particularly useful.
> Not for visualization purposes maybe, but for analysis purposes the visible 
> attribute is not really an issue. My goal is to extract full history dumps 
> for certain spatial extents and import them into a PostGIS, in order to 
> calculate historical metrics exposing the crowd dynamics of OSM - for example 
> number of contributors over time, version growth over time, movement of nodes 
> over time. All this calculated for grid cells. 
> The full history dump is 13GB bz2 compressed. Anyone got a rough idea how 
> long it would take for osmosis to extract, say, a bbox of the Netherlands out 
> of that on a 4GB AMD Opteron quad core machine? More RAM would probaby help?
> Osmosis is unlikely to work well on a full history dump.  The --bounding-box 
> task is really only designed to work with data from a single point in time.  
> Data across a time range is much more difficult to accurately perform 
> bounding box filtering, although it might be good enough.  A bigger issue is 
> that it will ignore visible attributes and strip those attributes from the 
> output.
> A relatively small amount of RAM is used for a single --bounding-box task if 
> you specify the idTrackerType=BitSet option.
> Brett
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