On Wed, 4 Aug 2010, Lars Francke wrote:

I'd use name:full, name:prefix etc. for it. As far as I can tell it's
pretty much established practice and you'd make _at least_ my life
easier :)


I've just rewritten parts of OSMdoc.com to support ":" in keys[1]
because they were the only delimiter in widespread use. So I naturally
hope no other delimiters gain any traction and I think they are

Anyway, you don't think the distinction between Parameter and a Property is
important?  I like the "." better, but again I don't care that much.

Do you have a good example where this distinction would be relevant
(i.e. any examples where you'd like to use "." _and_ ":")? I don't but
again I might be wrong and I don't care that much either way.


But I am just going to use ":" for now. It will be very easy to fix latter if necessary.

Personally I think ":" is a bit overloaded, but that's another story.
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