On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 12:21 AM, Stephan Knauss <o...@stephans-server.de> 
> Parveen Arora wrote:
>>  now i have write here only one url in the file, and have insert the ${y}
>> But Still not working,
> You should not blindly copy easymap, alter it and then wonder why it's not
> working.

> Your Javascript is malformed. This error pops up the moment you load the
> page.
How can i remove the errors from javascript, i have taken it from openlayers
and tried to serve our map by changing the urls

> That string is not terminated:
> "${z}/${x}/${y}.png,
is above link incorrect or how to terminate it ?

> But even then: You don't have tiles served at this address.

The tile are here at this address:

> The URL is there originally multiple times to cope with the connection limit
> in browsers.
should i include the url only one time?
> Are you sure you want your own tiles?
Yes, i want to serve own tiles
> In your page you are referring to style.css. This is missing as well.
> You might consider starting with some easy example and then step by step
> move forward.
Please give me any suggestion or any help, from where  should i start

and Thank's a lot for your support.
With Kind Regards
Parveen Arora

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