On 10-10-12 10:41 PM, Matthias Julius wrote
Maybe less ugly would be to have nodes just contain lat and lon and
introduce new point elements that need to reference a node.

That would also make it easier to put two different objects at the same
spot (like a mail box on a lamp post) as added benefit.

+1 for such a separation of responsibilities of nodes and point features.
IMO this would also be beneficial for line and polygon features. Features should be cleanly separated from their geometries, which is not currently the case. This can be done in such a way that the topological integrity remains intact.

As proposed by Matthias, one point feature would reference one node. A linestring feature would reference one or more consecutive ways, whereas a polygon feature would reference one or more closed sets of ways (also called 'rings', one exterior, zero or more interior rings). Maybe geometric aggregates (set of disjoint geometries) should be allowed as well, either homogeneous (multipoint, multilinestring, multipolygon), or heterogeneious (multigeometry). That would be possible with this model as well.

If this were to happen, it would also be easier to manage things like bridges and (simple) routes. Now it is too often necessary to chop up ways, use relations, etc., so that ways end up with a whole bunch of tags. I find situations like this difficult to manage.

Probably there has already been plenty of discussion about this in the past, but I think it would be worthwhile to discuss this further for a future API version :)


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