It would be possible to use the same logic I used for the tile
generator in the Bing Imagery Analyzer

Something like: editor / plugin asks tile.php for number of zoom
levels remaining, if number is 0 then overzoom, otherwise get tile
from bing.

There is already a non-image output mode for tile.php that I use for
debugging, see for example

Feel free to fork on

Martijn van Exel
laziness – impatience – hubris
twitter / skype: mvexel
flickr: rhodes

On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 5:23 PM, Toby Murray <> wrote:
> I assume because 18 is what is available in most of the world and most
> people prefer to be able to overzoom aerial imagery a little instead
> of getting blank tiles. What would be slick is if the blank tiles
> could be automatically detected and then previous imagery overzoomed
> instead of displaying the blank tiles.
> Toby
> On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 10:00 AM, Nathan Edgars II <> wrote:
>> On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 10:48 AM, Toby Murray <> wrote:
>>> Have you tried bumping up the "zoom" setting in the imagery plugin
>>> preferences? The setting is in tile zoom level. I think by default it
>>> only goes up to z18 but I have been able to bump it up to z21 in some
>>> areas. Of course if you set it higher than the available imagery you
>>> will eventually start getting blank tiles.
>> Ah, there's the trick I was missing. I wonder why it's not set higher
>> by default? It doesn't seem to work for Yahoo in the linked area, but
>> that's not a big deal because Bing is faster and just a month or so
>> earlier here.
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