Great initiative, thanks! It works for me.
Will you be updating this regularly with new builds?

Did you notice there has been an initiative to include osm2pgsql in MacPorts?
As yet, it hasn't appeared afaik.


Martijn van Exel +++...@rtijn.org
laziness – impatience – hubris
http://schaaltreinen.nl http://martijnvanexel.nl http://oegeo.wordpress.com/
twitter / skype: mvexel
flickr: rhodes

On Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 10:11 AM, Dane Springmeyer <d...@dbsgeo.com> wrote:
> I've written an easy installer for osm2pgsql that should work for os 10.6 64 
> bit.
> It was made from todays svn HEAD, testing is encouraged:
> http://dbsgeo.com/downloads/#osm2pgsql
> The goal personally was simply to avoid having to have the perfect autotools 
> setup to get osm2pgsql compiled on different os x machines. Ever since the 
> new autotools stuff was added, osm2pgsql has not been as easy to build. If 
> others have noticed the same thing then hopefully this may help a bit.
> Dane
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