On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 11:14:30AM +0100, Radek Bartoň wrote:
> I have a working setup of mod_tile+Tirex+Mapnik rendering server on one 
> machine and recently I've tryied to setup another one on much more powerfull 
> machine. I'm alost sure I've done exactly same configuration (except some 
> paths are different) and I've checked if all the files/directories needed are 
> existing and with proper permissions and that Mapnik is able to render the 
> tiles with my styles from generate_tiles.py.
> The problem is that rendering jobs comming from mod_tile are enqeued in tirex-
> master rendering qeueu ("tirex-status -eo" shows them) but they are not 
> processed and after they timeout after a long time period, the cached tile is 
> empty. IMHO the problem is somewhere in tirex-master - tirex-backend-manager 
> communication.
> I'm racking my brain with this almost a week so please give me some thoughts 
> what can be wrong?

Sometimes there are tiles that take longer to render than the timeout for the
renderer. Then the renderer will be killed before the tile is rendered and the
tile will remain in the queue. If the slow rendering was because of some
temporary reason, it will render faster the next time and everything is ok.
But if the rendering is always slow it will try again and again and always
fail. You can change the rendering timeout in the configuration, but it
probably means your system is to slow.

I ahven't looked at your logs, but if this happens you should get a message
in your log about the timeout.

Jochen Topf  joc...@remote.org  http://www.remote.org/jochen/  +49-721-388298

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