On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 12:48 PM, Peter Körner <osm-li...@mazdermind.de>wrote:

> Am 02.05.2011 17:38, schrieb Frederik Ramm:
>  Hi,
>> Martijn van Exel wrote:
>>> Revisiting this old thread. I seem to remember this script was
>>> superseded / made obsolete by something else, but can't find what /
>>> where.
>>  Hi
> I just finished the first stage of my history splitter. It two splitting
> modes of which one is finished.
> The "hard cut" mode features:
>  - single pass
>  - if an object is in the extract, all versions of it are there
>  - keeps the "visible" attribute
>  - ways are cropped at bbox boundaries
>  - relations contain only members that exist in the file
>  - ways and relations are reference-complete
>  - needs only 170 MB RAM per BBOX
> It's based on the osmium framework. Building it is a little complicated, as
> I have made changes to the osmium framework that are not yet merged into the
> main development line, but I'm in contact with jochen about this.
> You need
>  - the xml_tree branch of my osmium version:
>   <https://github.com/MaZderMind/osmium/tree/xml_output>
>     run: git clone g...@github.com:MaZderMind/osmium.git
>          git checkout xml_output
>  - all prequisites mentioned in the readme file at
>   <https://github.com/MaZderMind/osmium/tree/xml_output>
>  - the splitter itsself
> <
> https://github.com/MaZderMind/OpenStreetMap-History-API/tree/master/splitter
> >
> and run it like that:
>  bzcat path/to/full/history.osm.bz2 | ./splitter - example.config
> this runs the above mentioned "hard cut" algorithm that changes ways and
> relations to be completely inside the box. You can read about the algorithm
> its features and disadvantages here: <
> https://github.com/MaZderMind/OpenStreetMap-History-API/blob/master/splitter/hardcut.hpp
> >
> In the next step I'll implement the "soft cut" algorithm that keeps ways
> completed (you can read about it here: <
> https://github.com/MaZderMind/OpenStreetMap-History-API/blob/master/splitter/softcut.hpp
> >).
> I'll try to provide several extracts in different sizes for the Hack
> Weekend in Essen.
> Peter

Peter -- great, I'm trying this to generate an extract of Amsterdam from the
full history planet. I don't mind hard cut for now.
Did everyone notice there is a new full history planet available by the way?
Thanks Matt (I suppose you did this again).

Martijn van Exel
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