Am 11.05.2011 13:17, schrieb Matt Amos:
We should probably introduce an attribute on the<osm>  tag that says that
this is a history file. Just as we are currently discussing for the PBF

while we're at it, let's have a flag to indicate if the elements are
sorted by ID, how many prime-numbered elements there are, whether
there was a full moon when it was generated and what the colour of the
file is. i'm up for all of that as long as it's blue.

history files have similar syntax as normal osm files, but very different semantics. A program processing a history file needs to be aware or it
 - having multiple objects with the same id
 - having objects that stop being existent in some point in time
 - that have an extra information attached

that way it is useful for a program to know, if a file fed into it via stdin will be processed fine right from the start. nobody likes processes that fail after 10 hours because of a missing --this-is-an-history-file flag.


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