Am 22.06.2011 08:30, schrieb John Smith:
On 22 June 2011 16:26, Haseeb Anwar Ul Haq<>  wrote:
      I have built my own openstreetmap server (Ubuntu 10.04)  and rendering
tiles using mapnik and mod_tile.It works perfectly.Now I want to force
rendering of all names (roads,places etc) to english language only (not in
the native languages of the respective places) .
Can anyone please help me out.Thank you so much and waiting for a response.

You need to add name:en to the style file and then you need to replace
"name" in sql queries with this:

(CASE WHEN "name:en" IS NOT NULL THEN "name:en" ELSE name END) AS name


COALESCE("name:en", "name")

COALESCE selects the first none-null value from a chain.


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