On 30 June 2011 23:28, André Riedel <riedel.an...@gmail.com> wrote:
> There is a python program programm named ogr2osm
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Ogr2osm
> It does exactly what you want.

My problem is I'm trying to merge 2 shp files into a single
multipolygon osm file.

>From these 2 files:


You get 2 shp files:

POA06aAUST_region.shp which contains a set of postcode boundaries and
SSC06aAUST_region.shp which contains a set of suburb boundaries, both
files have some common boundaries and the SQL stuff that Anthony did
previously does work, but it creates excessive amounts of ways, on a
pair of 500k test files there was something like 65,000 nodes and
67,000 ways.

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