On Mon, 2011-08-08 at 19:08 +0200, mar...@gmx.eu wrote:
> Hi!
> After starting this command:
> osm2pgsql/osm2pgsql -s -C 3000 -d gis -U gisuser -S default.style gis.osm
> I get this output from osm2pgsql:
> osm2pgsql SVN version 0.80.0 (32bit id space)
> (...)
> The target database has the intarray contrib module loaded.
> While required for earlier versions of osm2pgsql, intarray 
> is now unnecessary and will interfere with osm2pgsql's array
> handling. Please use a database without intarray.
> Does anybody know what to do? Should I switch off the Intarray extension in 
> postgresql? If yes, how?

If you want to use the latest version of the code then you will have to
remove the previous intarray extension or create a new database without
it. The latest code uses the built-in array support instead. 

Your postgres install should have included an appropriate uninstall SQL
script in the contrib directory and can be executed like:

$ sudo -u postgres psql DBNAME < /usr/share/pgsql/contrib/uninstall__int.sql


> Markus
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