On 8/15/2011 4:57 PM, Jaak Laineste wrote:
But it is not plain "banning imports", it is to provide alternative
tool (I call it OpenMetaMap) which enables to link various external
data sources with OSM data, with much better flexibility than with
current import approach.

I like the idea. A remaining challenge is how to update links to an external data source when the OMM data is refreshed.

Also it might require that map editors deal with complexity:

 1. Take a survey
2. Add a "museum POI" from the survey. Now there is an external museum POI source to be aware of. Is mine a duplicate? Should I add to OMM instead of OSM? How to learn of all these other types of items that may exist in the area just surveyed?

This might not be appropriate for all imports. Everyone likes to point to problems in the TIGER dataset, but in areas where it has been adopted by the community, it has become a first class dataset in its own right. It would not work as an OMM dataset in my opinion, except serving as an alternate source of data for adding to the primary OSM map.

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