
The new public transport schema makes it necessary to take the member roles 
into account.
are you sure? I thought one of the major goals of the _new_ PT schema was precisely to eliminate this forward/backward mess with the "relation per route variant" concept. Just looked it up [1]:

The roles alternate, forward and backward should not be used any more.

On the public transport page it says basically the same in other words, however the Relation:route still has all those "forward:stop:42" crazy roles which have been added at some time in 2008/2009, long time before what we now call the "new PT schema" was even proposed. I think that wiki page is wrong/outdated, but that's not a dev issue, clearly :)

I know, there still are lots of "forwards" and "backwards" out there... but it's the _old_ PT schema, not the new one that requires them.


[1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Public_Transport#Route_direction.2Fvariant

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