Thanks for the replies - You are right that bulk upload will work, I just
have an aspiration to getting it to work closer to real time so want to
explore other possibilities.

At the moment I have not tried to get mod_tile working, but am using
tilecache on my home server to generate the tiles (because it is very easy
- just a simple python program and minimal configuration - this will seed
down to zoom level 12 nice and quickly.
I then have another instance of tilecache running on the commercial web
host that caches tiles from my home server to give a quicker response
(provided the tiles have been accessed previously).   I will do a little
wiki page write up on how it is configured, because it took a bit of doing
to get the projections working so that they talk to each other properly....

It seems to be working, but needs a bit more testing because sometimes it
seems to take a very long time to produce a tile - this may be my home
server putting its disks to sleep to save power, but I haven't checked.
Disk sleeping is not a feature I would want to turn off though, because
using my old laptop as a server is working quite nicely power-wise - I
think it takes less than 20W normally, which is not too bad.


On 27 October 2011 13:03, Nick Whitelegg <nick.whitel...@solent.ac.uk>wrote:

> Hello Graham,
> I am currently doing this, and using option one. This is probably feasible
> if the area you're trying to render is relatively small: I render
> Hampshire, Wiltshire, Surrey and West Sussex down to zoom level 14. The
> rendering takes an hour or two, the upload (just over 100MB) takes a little
> over 30 minutes. It's fairly feasible to do on a weekly basis.
> Can't speak for the other two options - I don't run an always-on home
> server so that one's a non-starter for me. I'd guess for occasional tile
> rendering it would be ok.
> Nick
> -----Graham Jones <grahamjones...@gmail.com> wrote: -----
> To: OSM-Dev Openstreetmap <dev@openstreetmap.org>
> From: Graham Jones <grahamjones...@gmail.com>
> Date: 27/10/2011 12:11PM
> Subject: [OSM-dev] Deploying Map Tiles on a Commercial Web Host
> Hi,
> I am trying to host my own map tiles 'on the cheap' using a commercial web
> host (rather than virtual server etc.) and am trying to decide the most
> efficient way of doing it, and wondered if anyone had any suggestions.
> The idea is to use my home server to generate the tiles, but that is behind
> a slow internet connection, so is no good for serving them to the outside
> world (works fine in my house!).   The options I have thought of are:
> Generate the tiles on my server, and upload them to the web host via ftp -
> this is what I have done up to now, but it is very slow to do the initial
> upload.   I haven't got a clever way of updating the tiles yet either -
> will need to use osm2pgsql tile expiry and only upload the expired tiles.
>  Generate the tiles as a large mbtiles file and upload it to the server as
> one big file rather than thousands of little ones - this may help the
> initial upload.  I am not sure how to do updates though - would need some
> way of uploading a mbtiles 'changeset' that can be applied to the file on
> the web host using php (I have php scripting on the web host)
>  Set up my home server to run mod_tile, and write some sort of proxy /
> cache thing on the web host that takes a tile request and either serves it
> from its cache, or gets it from my home server if necessary after checking
> to see if the tile in the cache is out of date.
> My feeling is that the third option is most efficient, because it will not
> bother uploading tiles that no-one accesses, and my server will not bother
> rendering them.  First use of a tile will seem sluggish though because it
> will use my slow broadband connection, so will  probably have it pre-load a
> few zoom levels.    My web host lets me run python, so I think I could run
> tilecache (http://tilecache.org), but I am not sure how I would deal with
> tile expiry then - has anyone used such a set-up successfully?   If not, I
> will give it a try over the next few days and see how it goes....
> Thanks
> Graham.
> --
> Graham Jones
> Hartlepool, UK.
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Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK.
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