Am 21.11.2011 15:36, schrieb Jochen Topf:
I don't think that there is a memory leak. Valgrind tells me that all is ok.
A program can leak memory without valgrind showing it. I already guessed that this data is not completely useless.

The behaviour you see comes from the PBF reader and especially the Google
Protobuf stuff. Protobuf does not free memory but keeps it around until the
next time it is needed. So every time you hit a PBF block with "more" data in
it than all the other blocks before (for instance more nodes per way), PBF will
allocated more memory and not de-allocate it. So for a while you'll see the
process slowly using more and more memory until it hits the peak.

260 MB for a city-sized file (mainz) and 500 MB for a country (germany) is a lot. That explains, why my memory calculations always were wrong.

Thanks for that explanation.


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