Fellow OSM-dev'ers,

preview version v0.3b of Open Source Routing Machine (OSRM) has just been 
released. Right now the OpenStreetMap London Hack Weekend is running and I am 
happy to send this email from AOLs London office right now.

The new features of OSRM are: 
- Better heuristics for preprocesssing
- Turn costs and restrictions (edge-based graph representation)
- Windows support (and Mac in principle)
- OSM file preprocessing multi-threaded
- Support for GCC 4.2 and also for systems not supporting OpenMP
- User-definable speed profile
- Better and more efficient polyline generalization
- many, many bug fixes
- many under-the-hood and speed improvements

The new version can be found on: 

The preview has a number of rough edges. So, if you see a bug please report it.

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