Am 17.01.2012 06:24, schrieb Roger Weeks:
On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 12:03 PM, SomeoneElse < <>>wrote:

Who are "most people"? Are you really saying that most people will build things on static hardware? Especially people who are trying out new software to see if it works for them? I heartily disagree, and I think an OVF of a preconfigured map server that already HAS the planet_osm file imported into postgis would be not only extremely useful but would get you a lot more people taking the mapserver for a spin.

I somehow doubt that there are going to be very many takers for a download that is likely to be >100 GB (uncompressed around 300), there's the additional issue that catching up to current status would require that such a build be done -very- regularly. VM without a preloaded planet or perhaps an interesting extract ... yes, do it!

I'm fairly sure that with some additional polish Kai's Ubuntu Tile Server package is the way to go, as long as we, as I've mentioned before get some way to nail down stable versions of the associated tools.

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