Am 17.01.2012 12:53, schrieb Jukka Rahkonen:
About 80% of people seem to use Windows and OSM does not offer much for
them so I desided to make Super Easy WMS as a Windows installation
package. Linux users do not need to get angry, it is possible to install
Apache and Mapserver on Linux and take just the data and mapfiles from the
package and after some mapfile editing for fixing the paths to the data
the services will work similarly.

I know that Mapnik has a steady position as the official OSM renderer but
while waiting for an easy Switch2osm installer, read about Super Easy WMS
server at

The introduction package is downloadable at
(226 MB)

The package is rather big because it includes the Geofabrik shapefiles
from Finland. After installation there will be three WMS services
available and WMS clients will find them from the following addresses




Sounds great and remembers me to the OSGeo4W Installer

Can we provide a documentation, in the wiki please? As it's the most central place and allows everybody to fix/alter/translate/... the text? And it could be easily linked within the other wiki pages

As I read, easy to deploy packages (right versions and so on) are one of the most caveeats for a Rendering-stack. Do we have people with experience in linux package bundling or should we contact the different distros for help?


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