On 1 February 2012 16:45, Sebastian Spaeth <sebast...@sspaeth.de> wrote:

> This means that end of February, the T@h server will be shut down and go
> away. Unless a replacement server (&admin) is being found, that will
> also likely imply that the T@H service will go away (together with the
> tiles web server) at that point.

Thats sad , especially coming during the time when I wanted to
organise a workshop on the basis of showing how easy its to get a t@h
client running on  a desktop to generate the png or svg tiles .

By the way does this move mean I cant even make TRAPI requests and get
the data to generate tiles so as to keep them at my own file store ?

I am a bit confused , if there is no way to query the API could I make
use of the .osm files to feed to the renderer(osmarender) in this case


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