Am 06.03.12 21:20, schrieb Tomas Straupis:

   Some governmental institutions are willing to use OSM software stack
and share their information. For example they could use a base map and
share information they have. Some information they want to collect and
give out to public is perfectly "fit" for OSM (say max speeds) while
others are purely "their" thing which should not go to main OSM
database (say information like which "community" a specific house
belongs to). (So they want to share all information with public, but
some information should be captured on a separate storage/db)

   They would like to have a separate layer to hold such "non-OSM"
information. This would keep OSM database clean and it would allow
government to take responsibility for quality assurance and updates of
that data.

This is a point which breaks the idea:

If *they* want to be responsible for the data and making updates, no other user should have access to it. OSM is a community project where evereyone is allowed to change any data. And we are worldwide, and not restricted to any adminstrative boundaries, as the governmentals.

So the only way is to add a separate layer with openlayers. Or use a WMS layer with OSM data in the governmental Web-GIS.

Andre Joost

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