Well, there is http://trac.osm.org, but that only covers the 'core' OSM
code.   OSM related projects (e.g. vespucii) will have their own bug
tracking systems.

Our application
for applicants to provide links to examples of previous work to help
demonstrate what the applicant knows about.

Hope that helps.


On 29 March 2012 21:15, Parveen Arora <m...@parveenarora.in> wrote:

> 2012/3/30 Graham Jones <grahamjones...@gmail.com>:
> Hi Graham,
> > The little 'test' we added to the application is just to show a general
> > understanding of how OSM works.
> This is good idea to know that if applicant is known to OSM or not.
> I would like to ask, Are there any bug list of which students can
> submit patches so that they can show their programming skill or
> showing the previous work is enough.
> Thank You.
> --
> Parveen Arora
> www.parveenarora.in
> E-Mail: m...@parveenarora.in

Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK.
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