Mitja Kleider schrieb am Montag, den 16. April um 20:26 Uhr:

> * Are you satisfied with the available devices?

No! They are either not really usable for outdoor stuff (Smartphones even
true for Motorola DEFY) or use proprietary firmware which can not be hacked
(Garmin devices)

> What would you change first?

As far as Garmin Outdoor devices are concerned there are a couple of
usability issues in the current firmware. And there is no bicycle capable
routing algo. Probably it would be possible to integrate monav routing
daemon or osrm.

> * If there was a device with open source firmware, would that be an
> important feature?

The feature would be a extendable firmware. I think it would not matter
that much if the underlying os would be Open Source like in Android or just
hackable using a API like in iOS or Windows Mobile.

> * Why would you but an outdoor GPS anyway instead of using your smartphone?

Still because of the typical Outdoor features:
* daylight capable display (e.g. like in garmin GPSmap devices)
* long lasting battery
* good GPS reception

I think the best hypothetical device for a bicycle handlebar would an Open
Source one connectable to the Internet via Smartphone in the pocket of the
driver of course als replacing a legacy bicycle computer.


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