Hi Toby,

> > The way was added to the relation in version 51 at
> > 2010-06-20T19:29:34Z and then the way was deleted one second later at
> > 2010-06-20T19:29:35Z. In theory this should not be possible. However
> > this edit was done in Potlatch 1 in live edit mode and according to
> > RichardF on IRC, there were some race conditions between Potlatch 1
> > and the API that could be to blame. It seems like this is the most
> > likely explanation for this data.
> After running a query oh my local database I think there are a total
> of 208 relations which contain ways that are deleted. I may go through
> and clean them up after I get back from SOTM-US. Hopefully since P1 is
> declining in usage, there won't be any more created.

Thank you very much for both informations. This explains all questions, how it 
happened, and whether it may happen again.

I would be very grateful if you could clean these relations up.

Best regards,


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