> * Create a new map style intended to be the default face of OSM, but leave 
>the current OSM.org Mapnik style as-is. It works beautifully as an editor's 
>basemap due to the dense inclusion of 
> all data. Keep it, but add a new one that's for non-editors to look at.

I'll add here, internationalization of tiles would be a key development. 
Especially with some of the recent edit wars Korea/Japan/China over island 
names and possession.
* Mikel Maron * +14152835207 @mikel s:mikelmaron

> From: Michal Migurski <m...@teczno.com>
>To: dev@openstreetmap.org 
>Sent: Friday, October 12, 2012 10:14 AM
>Subject: [OSM-dev] Hello World
>Hi everyone,
>I've been following the OSM Wishlist thread via the list archives on the web 
>and thought I'd pop in to join the discussion. I feel of two minds about the 
>suggestion: on the one hand, I'm thrilled to see energy from Tom, Alex and the 
>Mapbox team. On the other, I feel like the OSM community is about to 
>experience a full-court press and needs to build up some structure to match. 
>I'm excited to see what Mapbox comes up with hear, but I think it would be a 
>misuse of the Knight grant to develop a bucket of tools without the admin time 
>to support their long-term use.
>My wishlist:
>* Create a new map style intended to be the default face of OSM, but leave the 
>current OSM.org Mapnik style as-is. It works beautifully as an editor's 
>basemap due to the dense inclusion of all data. Keep it, but add a new one 
>that's for non-editors to look at.
>* Improved relation + data model support in a editors, either a new one or a 
>retrofit onto Potlatch. Things like route relations or addressing schemas are 
>important, for example, and should see the same kind of first-class support in 
>an editor that the primary/secondary/etc. road schema does. It's time for 
>these higher-order features to come out of the lab.
>* Better time-awareness in planet dumps. I want to see a "days since last 
>edit" or similar attribute on all entities in the planet file, which will make 
>it possible to create downstream displays and styles that address hot, 
>contentious information. We're starting to see two tiers of OSM data 
>consumers, those who want the latest-newness and those who want to treat OSM 
>like a slower-moving data source.
>* Social OSM: feh, don't care.
>Stepping back, the story of OSM *is* that things happen in other tools, so I'm 
>in agreement with Paweł Paprota that Mapbox should "build something that needs 
>JSON support, filtering and tag API" before those features get fed into the 
>core infrastructure. The minute diffs support the ability to develop real, 
>working systems in an offboard manner, and I think we should take advantage of 
>I'm also in agreement with Tom Hughes on the issue of bug trackers: "issue 
>trackers that are acquiring things at a faster rate than things are being 
>closed have an unfortunate effect," sapping energy through administrative 
>overhead. I use Trac and Github for issue tracking on sparingly, when issues 
>have a clear boundary and release target.
>michal migurski- m...@stamen.com
>                 415.558.1610
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