2012/10/14 Richard Weait <rich...@weait.com>:
> I'd love to have sensible tags suggested for me.  If I add name =
> Walmart, an editor that suggested the most-popular value for shop=*
> would be really useful.

Yes, that would be in fact a much needed feature for beginners but
also for expert mappers.

@Jochen: taginfo is a very valuable service which I use regularly. But
it seems to me that taginfo is rather a browsing tool and has not been
designed to return key-value suggestions given a single search term,

Taginfo has strong linking capabilities but wants you rather to know
the key or the value term in advance. For example: A search for
"castle" returns castle_type (instead of historic=castle, see
http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/search?q=castle ). A search for
"monastery" (or church) it returns the same term again (instead of
place_of_worship=*). And seaching in non-english language is even

That's why I suggested something I called "TagFinder". You can look at
the showcase here http://openpoimap.ch/tagfinder/search?q=Schloss .
And I'm giving a talk about how ony could add value to taginfo
statistics at the OGRS conference coming soon http://www.ogrs2012.org/

So, taginfo is rather close to that "simple search with tag suggestion
feature". In fact, you know that I suggested a patch for such an API -
which you rejected at this time. I would still love to see taginfo
enhanced with this feature (even if i would turn something like
TagFinder obsolete).

Yours, Stefan

2012/10/14 Richard Weait <rich...@weait.com>:
> On Sat, Oct 13, 2012 at 4:00 PM, Jochen Topf <joc...@remote.org> wrote:
>> On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 03:39:52PM -0400, Tom MacWright wrote:
>>> TagInfo's API is certainly pretty good, and it might be good enough.
>> I encourage you to look at what the taginfo API has to offer.
> I'd love to have sensible tags suggested for me.  If I add name =
> Walmart, an editor that suggested the most-popular value for shop=*
> would be really useful.
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