You know you are inviting to a serious session of bike shedding? :-)

Am 30.10.2012 22:41, schrieb Saman Bemel Benrud:
>   * Simplify the 'examples' below the search box.
Some kind of link/button to a concise help page would be better, the
examples there are always going to look messy.
>   * Rethink the "where am I?" and "home" buttons from the home page,
>     turn them into a single button that does something more useful
I didn't actually know we had a "where am I" link and I suspect nearly
nobody else did either :-).
>   * Find a better home for the 'map key' link
Wouldn't a on the map link make more sense (in particular since only one
of the layers actually -has- a key)?
>   * Find a better home for the 'GPS traces' link
Redundant, there is already such a link on the "user" page, IMHO just
get rid of it. Alternatively, if we still consider GPS tracks important,
have it as a further tab.
The user diaries link is not really necessary either (the content is
already included in the "Community Blogs").

The "Documentation" link is a pet peeve of mine, is is a misnomer
linking to the wiki. Part of the wiki is actually documentation, but an
other substantial part would fall in categories "News", "Events" and

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