On 3 January 2013 14:43, Pieren <pier...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 2:59 PM, Andy Allan <gravityst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > "Don't deliberately enter data incorrectly for the renderer"
> We should add : "Don't accept tag changes until the renderer supports it".
> Pieren
> The reason that OSM doesn't do depreciation is that there is no such thing
as "the renderer". You don't know if I have a private(or lesser known)
render that relies on a used tag. And it's not limited to renderers, but
editors, data sources, and non-visual uses/applications (such as driving

Introducing new tags should also take this into account.
For example we had railway=rail and railway=tram type tags. I might make a
map that displays railway=* as a grey line (because I'm more interested in
some other detail but I want tracks for context). For a short time
railway=historic got into popular use. My map would then start showing
railways where they weren't! A better choice for the new tag is
historic=railway because nobody is going to render that as an existing
railway by mistake. Slowly people can start recognising the historic tag if
they wish to.
I can't remember the exact tags in the true version of this story, I think
it was actually to do with stations.

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