On 28 January 2013 14:20, Yohan Boniface <yohanbonif...@free.fr> wrote:
> Hi all,
> A short mail to introduce the little plugin Leaflet.EditInOSM [1], which add
> a control in Leaflet with links to edit the current view in JOSM, Potlatch
> or iD.
> Demo here: http://yohanboniface.github.com/Leaflet.EditInOSM/


In general I prefer directing people towards openstreetmap.org/edit ,
rather than having a bunch of options or linking to instances/remote
control directly. The advantage of openstreetmap.org/edit is that the
user will have already chosen their favourite editor, and so you only
need one button. Additionally it's a better user experience when a new
user hasn't yet signed up to openstreetmap - it reduces confusion with
the JOSM / Merkartor remote control link not working, for example. And
it lets those who still prefer p1 to stick with it! :-)

Obviously many other websites continue to have multiple links, so
you're not alone in making that decision. But as the number of editors
grows, and as there are plenty of people who don't use the most
popular (n) editors, I think that standardising on the
openstreetmap.org/edit approach is the better one.


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