
Not really an answer to your question, but anyway:
For overpass turbo [1] I have implemented a converter on client side (as a Leaflet-Plugin [2]). It supports multipolygons and has some polygon-detection-magic. As far as I can tell, this client side conversion is not really a substantial "big pain" for browsers (when compared to rendering the same data).


[1] http://overpass-turbo.eu
[2] https://github.com/tyrasd/overpass-ide/blob/master/libs/OSM4Leaflet.js

Am 07.02.2013, 17:58 Uhr, schrieb Ander Pijoan <ander.pij...@deusto.es>:

Hi everyone

I am currently working with different technologies for showing OSM data in slippy maps and I noticed that some of those maps would work better with GeoJSON data format.

I use Overpass API for downloading data but it doesn't export in GeoJSON
format. The nearest approach would be to ask for it as OSM-JSON, store all the nodes ids and locations, store all the ways ids and node refs
and then build the relations geometries but it's quite a big pain for

I've been looking for some info in OSM wiki but I haven't been able to find nothing. Does anyone know if there exists something?

Thank you very much.

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