On 03/07/2013 08:36 AM, Jason Lee wrote:
Hi all,
It might seem an odd question but I'll give it a shot - would mod_tile/renderd support the dynamic generation of map tiles in a map projection other than web mercator? If not, then would it be possible/how difficult would it be to modify the code to support it?
In case you are still interested, I have now refactored the code a bit to make it easier to support different projections. Supporting new projections now should be as simple as adding 6 numbers, (the boundaries in projected coordinates and the map aspect ratio). For the moment you still need to recompile renderd after changing / adding those numbers, but in the future that might change.

At the moment it supports spherical mercator and plate carree out of the box and they can be mixed in the same rendering server. You configure those by changing the srs of the mapnik style sheet to the appropriate values.

Also it is now possible to configure the size of the tiles in renderd.conf and it is no longer hard coded to be 256 px. (You still need to change the mapnik stylesheet for the appropriate PPI though).


The only other thing I can think of is using MapProxy with Mapnik backend but I'm not sure the scalabilty/performance compared to mod_tile.

Thanks and regards,

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