On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 11:18 PM, Alex Barth <a...@mapbox.com> wrote:

> At this weekend's Chicago hack weekend Tom and I worked on a prototype
> that could be a viable solution for our currently broken history tab. It is
> taking a very different approach in comparison to Pawel's history tab [1]
> by not showing the entire history up front, but only latest changes to
> visible elements. I wrote up the details in a diary entry, would love to
> hear peoples thoughts on this. I think from a user story perspective this
> would work and it would be much cheaper to implement than a fast historic
> changeset browser.

The biggest limitation of this solution is that it will never show
changesets for objects that were deleted in the bounding box. If the
changeset happens to include still-existing objects in the bounding box,
then the changeset will be listed. But if a changeset only contains
deletions (most likely a vandal, but legitimately can be someone just
removing a few outdated POIs), then there's no way that this solution can
help you find out what happened. ("I swear I there was a restaurant here,
where did it go?")

At least the current system will show you the deletion changeset.
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