On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 10:32 PM, SomeoneElse
<li...@mail.atownsend.org.uk> wrote:
> Kaur gill wrote:
> You should see metatiles being generated below /var/lib/mod_tile/ , like for
> example:
> /var/lib/mod_tile/default/15/0/50/249/122/8.meta
> If you want to generate static tiles, you can do so by editing the settings
> in ~/src/mapnik-style/generate_tiles.py and running that.

I have /var/lib/mod_tile/default/0/0/0/0/0.meta.
But I don't know how to access it, through which file I should try to access it.
I don't have any file in /var/www/
I have slippymap.html file in /home/kamal/src/mod_tile. I think there
I need to set the path for accessing the tiles but don't know how to
do so. I tried a lot but didn't got anything.
When I run slippymap.html file on browser it shows pink square boxes.

Please help me.

And thank you very much for replying.

Kamaljot Kaur
Blog: http://kamal125130.wordpress.com/

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