
I think this could be of use for someone: osmtogeojson, as the name suggests, is an OSM-to-GeoJSON converter. It's written as a javascript library, but can also be used as a command line tool: After installing it via `npm install -g osmtogeojson` you can use it like this:

  osmtogeojson in.osm > out.geojson

or even:

  echo '<osm><node lat="1.23" lon="3.21" id="-1" /></osm>' | osmtogeojson

But you can also use the library in your javascript (browser or nodejs) projects. Here is a simple demo page:


The converter is quite feature-complete already. It supports multipolygons, has sophisticated polygon detection[1] and can cope with incomplete OSM data.

The code is already in use on http://geojson.io as well as http://overpass-turbo.eu (of which it is a spin-off, actually). The sources are found on github (MIT licensed):


Best wishes,

[1] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Overpass_turbo/Polygon_Features

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