
I was willing to do some stats on notes (add a note fonctionnality) here in France. I found little technical info, except here: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/API_v0.6#Map_Notes_API I saw nothing on bulk exports, so I tried to divide France in 5 bboxes and download each part separately (yes, perhaps you don't like the idea, but then I saw/see no alternative). The server didn't like the idea either and the message error sent me either to internal error or to planet.osm: "or use planet.osm"

I thought the notes db was different from the main one. Was I mistaking?
If the DB are one and only one, can the notes be imported in Postgre, are they with the default style, or is there another style available? If not, where can the note DB be bulk-downloaded for the planet or by country/bbox/poly?


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